Is Peace after Divorce a workshop or a book study?
Our format is shifting from a video-based workshop to a book study to make this valuable experience more affordable. There are churches that still offer the workshop format. Either way, Peace after Divorce is an uplifting experience that provides practical strategies and actionable guidance to better cope with divorce. It’s a grace-filled journey of hope, healing, and support.
Is Peace after Divorce easy to offer?
Yes. The leader guide provides step-by-step directions to group facilitators and includes discussion questions and activities. The materials are extremely well organized and easy to follow. You do not have to be an expert on divorce recovery to facilitate this group.
What is Christian divorce?
The pain and suffering caused by the demise of a marriage should never be taken lightly. While our faith tells us God hates divorce, he does not hate divorced people. This trying time is an opportunity to turn to God for redemption and direction.
Why should divorced people seek God’s grace?
Divorce is deeply wounding. Bitterness, guilt, and anger can overcome us when coping with a separation from our spouse. For most Christians, divorce is an absolute last resort—thrust upon one of the partners through the irreparable actions or behavior of their spouse. Souls so impacted by divorce are in desperate need of the grace of God to move forward in peace and joy.
How do I get participant books?
Book order links are on our Books page.
How long should be allowed for each Peace after Divorce group session?
The ideal time slot is 1 to 1.5 hours for each of the 8 sessions. We suggest choosing the length in advance so participants know how to plan.
Is it okay for Peace after Divorce groups include both men and women?
Definitely. Single sex groups are okay but we’ve found coed groups offer both men and women new insights and perspectives. However, we do make it clear that the purpose of the workshop is individual healing, not matchmaking. Couples are not allowed to attend the group together.
Is Peace after Divorce or After Divorce Ministries affiliated with any specific denomination?
No, we are independent. Furthermore, churches across denominational lines offer Peace after Divorce groups.
Is the Peace after Divorce group study suitable for both church members and the unchurched?
Absolutely! One of the great values of the Peace after Divorce study is that it guides participants through practical steps that support healing from divorce while also nurturing a positive relationship with our grace-filled and loving God.
Still have questions? Feel free to contact us anytime!