When Divorce Leaves You Feeling Anything but Thankful
It's hard to be thankful when your world is collapsing due to…

When Divorce Does Crazy Things to Your Heart
When we lose our love, we may long for its return. When that doesn’t happen, we go on a search for that love.

What to Do about Loneliness after Divorce
No matter what brought your marriage to an end, it hurts to have…

Coping with Divorce at Christmas
My first husband left just before Christmas. I could hardly feel “Peace on earth, good will toward men.” As Christmas approached, the season seemed devoid of meaning. I hurt so much that it seemed the life had been sucked out of me.

Help for Domestic Violence Victims
Abuse is never okay. Abuse is never deserved.
In addition…

Getting through Your First Anniversary after Divorce
The day is fast approaching. In fact, it is looming large in…

Is Your Ex (or Soon-to-be-Ex) Treating You Poorly?
Do not be fooled. You cannot fool God. A man will get back whatever…

10 Ways to Survive Valentine’s Day when You're Divorced or Separated
Candy hearts, greeting cards, and advertisements…it’s hard…

Getting through the Holidays while Dealing with Divorce (FREE eBook!)
Get your FREE copy of Dealing with Divorce: Getting Through the…

When Divorce Leaves You Feeling Helpless and Alone
Divorce can be lonely. You may feel like no one really…

A Dozen Ways to Have a Great Valentine’s Day Despite Divorce
Just because you’re dealing with divorce doesn’t mean Valentine’s…