Hope for Finding Peace after Divorce
Is finding peace after divorce at the top your list of New Year’s resolutions? I hope so because becoming intentional about healing is really important if you want to move your life forward. I mean, this year has to be better than last year, right? It can be.
Although divorce can leave your life feeling totally out of control, the truth is that God made you able to adjust and indeed grow through life’s trials.
So, even if you feel like a victim, please know you are not powerless. You can take steps that help you let go of the past and move forward with your life. Below are a few resolutions you can make to help you on your way.
7 Resolutions for Finding Peace after Divorce
I resolve to:
- Accept things I cannot change.
- Focus on things I can change to make my life better.
- Let go of asking why my spouse made the choices he/she did and instead ask what God wants me to learn from my experiences.
- Accept that even though God hates divorce, he still loves me.
- Let go of troubling thoughts by replacing those thoughts with thoughts that bring me closer to the promises of God.
- Let go of bitterness in my heart.
- Trust that God gives me hope of a brighter future.
So, This all Sounds Good but How do you Really do These Things?
Actually, there are many steps you can take toward finding peace after divorce. The really cool thing is how many of these things are rooted in the word of God. With a little help you can learn strategies that support your ability to find peace and joy after divorce.
Healing from divorce is a decision, a process, and a journey of faith.
For a cohesive step-by-step journey I strongly encourage you to check into my book Peace after Divorce. If you like what you see, order it and work through one short reading a day. In that book you will find strategies you can use over and over again to help you cope with and move beyond the pain of divorce. You’ll also find questions at the end of each reading that allow you to personalize the content. Then you can talk with God about how he wants you to apply what you read to your own situation.
In short, Peace after Divorce helps take the mystery out of healing from divorce by walking you through real life strategies that support healing.
Get the Award-Winning Peace after Divorce Book Now
To get started you can order the book in print or download it as an eBook. Just click a link below.
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Finding Peace after Divorce Doesn’t Have to be Lonely
Working on your own is important but it also helps to have others to talk with who understand what you’re going through. Sharing insights with others about the content of Peace after Divorce can be really helpful.
Talk with your church about offering a Peace after Divorce Workshop group ministry. It can be offered in person or virtually and can be offered by volunteers. With the divorce rate up because of COVID-19, Peace after Divorce Workshop groups are a much needed ministry for churches.
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