Are You Healing from Divorce?
I want to heal from divorce but I don’t know how.”
The problem is that most people don’t know where to begin or how to become intentional about healing. They need guidance.
Do you?
Here are a few questions to ask yourself to help you assess where you are in your healing. Read over them. Be honest with your answers but don’t be discouraged. Help is available.
Taking Charge of Your Life
- Have I accepted divorce as my reality?
- Do I feel a sense of control in my life?
- Am I committed to proactively healing wounds from my marriage and divorce?
- Am I adapting to divorce-related changes in my life?
- Am I making sound choices about life changes?
Renewing Your Spirit and Soul
- Do I accept that God loves me as I am?
- Have I accepted God’s forgiveness if needed?
- Am I reliant on God instead of angry with God?
- Do I talk with God honestly and regularly?
- Do I know God has a plan for me?
Untying the Emotional Knot
- Do I recognize my emotions as normal?
- Do I understand the emotional vs. legal divorce?
- Am I dealing effectively with roadblocks?
- Do I accept emotional flare-ups as normal?
- Have I made a defining break with my ex?
- Have I let go of trying to understand my former spouse?
- Do I have a realistic balanced perspective on my marriage, divorce and former spouse?
Looking Inside
- Have I worked through feelings about my former spouse?
- Have I worked through loss and grief?
- Am I overcoming feelings of rejection?
- Am I conquering fear?
- Is my sense of loneliness diminishing?
- Am I committed to focus on healing before dating?
- Am I making a point to choose joy and laughter?
Casting Away Stones
- Have I stopped blaming my former spouse?
- Have I moved past feeling like a victim?
- Am I over the urge for revenge?
- Have I appropriately released anger related to divorce?
- Have I let go of the pains of unforgiveness?
Redirecting Your Thoughts
- Are my thoughts self-defeating or self-enriching?
- Am I choosing In-the-Light thoughts about
- God?
- Marriage and Divorce?
- Singleness?
- Circumstances?
- My Former Spouse?
Are You Choosing Actions that Support the Following
- Successfully coping with daily life?
- Staying true to myself?
- Setting personal guidelines for dealing with my ex?
- Nourishing and refreshing myself?
- Taking care of my health?
- Helping my children cope with divorce?
There’s Hope…You Can Get Past Pain and Live Again…
Healing from divorce is a decision, a process, and a journey of faith. You’ll get there much faster with guidance. I want to help you.
I’ve been through a divorce I know healing is possible. I’m a counselor who has led divorce recovery groups for years. You don’t have to try to figure this out by yourself.
Peace after Divorce Support groups can help you tremendously. See if a Peace after Divorce Group is in your area, or start a group at your church. God bless you as you take action to heal from divorce.
My book Peace after Divorce, gives you straight-forward guidance in each of the areas listed above. Learn more about the book HERE.
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