Nobody to Kiss: 5 Ways to Deal with Loneliness and Divorce
It shocked me how lonely I felt when it was New Year’s Eve and I didn’t have anyone to kiss, says Billy.
I too remember how hard it was to deal with all those events that reminded me that I no longer had a special someone in my life. Even when I felt like I was starting to heal, events like New Year’s Eve seemed to pick open my divorce wounds.
Being alone does not mean there is something wrong with you. Loneliness is a feeling that doesn’t have to be a way of life.
Consider these five ways to deal with loneliness and divorce:
Plan Ahead–If you know you are going to be in situations that will highlight your losses think about how you will cope in advance. Simply dreading the situation gets you nowhere. What will you tell yourself to get through the event feeling okay?
Decide to Battle Lonely Thoughts–You choose what thoughts you will dwell on. Lonely thoughts may arise, but you get to decide if you nurture them. Decide to decline the empty feelings of loneliness and replace those thoughts with faith that your spirit can find a fullness of life in God that no human can offer you.
Don’t Allow Loneliness to Own You–You get to decide if you allow loneliness to dominate your life. Lonely feelings may come and go but loneliness does not have to be a way of life. Furthermore, be wise and avoid decisions based on a sense of loneliness for such decisions can leave you with unhealthy relationships and strange bedfellows.
Reach Out–Family, friends and others with common interests can add richness to your life.
Accept that Being Alone is Okay–In fact it is much better than being in an unhealthy relationship. I may not have an earthly partner but I do have a relationship with Christ. I’m never truly alone. I know God watches over me and has a plan for good in my life. …And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. [Matthew 28:20 NLT]
Use time alone to work on healing from divorce. Time alone gives you the perfect chance to work on accepting your new reality and redesigning your life in positive ways.
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