What’s Easter Got to Do with Divorce Recovery?
This Sunday is Easter. It’s an amazing time to focus on the power of God. Not only that, it’s a wonderful time to be reminded of just how very special you are to the Creator of all the universe.
Yes, you!
God loves you enough to send his only son to die for your sins. That means He loves you enough to take your place. To wash you clean with his own blood. Think about that.
Jesus proved that there is life after death. And, he tells you that he will give life after death to you too. Now that’s some serious power as well as serious love for you. Jesus conquered the grave…for you.
Now if that’s not amazing what is?
So think about it. If the God of all the universe loves you enough to give you life after death, doesn’t it stand to reason that he will also give you life after divorce? It seems very clear to me that the answer is a resounding YES!
Have faith. Believe. Let this knowledge give you hope and encouragement.
Are you with me in this? Let your eyes soak in these words. Let your heart feel joy no matter your circumstances today.
He is risen. He is risen indeed.
Happy Easter!
If you need Christian encouragement and practical guidance for healing from divorce, sign up to learn more about the Peace after Divorce Workshop Online
Starting Late Spring 2018
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