Finding the Desires of Your Heart
Delight yourself in the ways of the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
My father-in-law included this scripture from Psalm 37:4 whenever he said the blessing. I thought it interesting that it had a constant presence in his prayers. At a glance, these words from Psalms may sound like a promise for fame or fortune. I don’t believe that’s what it means. It’s a really a much more powerful and amazing promise.
I believe Psalm 37:4 tells us a lot about how God wants us to handle the circumstances of life. When divorce throws undesirable circumstances our way it says we can still delight in the ways of the Lord. When it talks about “the desires of your heart,” this scripture isn’t promising that we’ll get our way in court or that our (ex) spouse will act the way we think they should. Nor is it a guaranteed ticket to win the lottery.
Let’s face it, the circumstances created by divorce are real and at least at first may make it hard to find delight in much of anything. Yet, one of our heart’s greatest desires is peace. Since divorce tends to create discord rather than peace, it can be easy to become focused inwardly rather than on the ways of the Lord.
Looking to the Lord and delighting in His ways takes us out of ourselves. It’s healthy to take time to shift our focus to His love, his grace, and the wonders of His creation. To soak in His presence. Taking time to seek the ways of the Lord creates a sweet respite from the tribulations of divorce. The pay-off is great.
When you stop and spend time delighting yourself in the Lord you will find a settling sense of peace in the midst of your trials. And after all, isn’t peace one of the truest desires of your heart?
Christian Thought:
Delight yourself in the ways of the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4
—Peace After Divorce has been awarded recognition as an Exemplary Christian Book by the 2013 Illumination Book Awards–
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