How Do I Make Them Come Back?
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time.
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:6-7 NIV
I’ve pleaded with him to stop his relationship with the other woman,” said Patty. “He just won’t.”
“She’s left,” said Tom. “I’ve prayed that she would come back. I’ve asked God to make her. She said she needs to find herself. That was a year ago. Now she doesn’t even respond to my texts or calls.”
“I just cannot continue to take the abuse,” said Caroline. “He neglects us and spends all of his free time fishing with the guys. When he is home he drinks too much. When he drinks too much, he becomes abusive. What am I supposed to do? I’ve tried and tried to hold my marriage together. I’ve even prayed for a miracle.”
Do you see yourself in a similar situation to any of these people?
Each of the above scenarios puts Christians in a difficult situation. Seeking God’s guidance and working hard to save your marriage is a Christian imperative. As Christians, we know that the marriage covenant is serious and never to be taken lightly. We know that two people are joined together through Christ. Marriage is holy.
Yet your marriage has crumbled.
You’ve done everything you can think of to save your marriage. You’ve prayed and prayed, but suddenly you come face-to-face with the reality that your marriage has ended.
You’re not alone. According to a Gallup Poll, in roughly 85% of divorces, one person clearly wants the divorce and the other person does not.
So what happens when you’re married to someone who checks out of the marriage?
God’s grace prevails. That’s what happens. God helps you move on with your life.
As hard as it is to accept, you cannot force your spouse to want to make your marriage work. God in his goodness has given each of us the gift of free will. Even God does not force people to act in certain ways. God stands at the door and knocks (Revelation 3:20).
God also waits at the door for you. You also have free will. God has equipped you to make choices. Seek God with all of your heart and make choices that move you closer to Him as you work through the issues of healing from divorce. He will lift you up in due time.
Talk with God…
Father, help me to accept the reality of my situation so that I can start to look forward to the future. Thank you for giving me free will. Please help me to make choices that bring me closer to you and that will help me to heal from divorce. Thank you for caring about me. Help me to cast all my anxiety on you knowing that you will lift me up in due time.
Are You Ready to Make Healing Choices?
If you want uplifting inspiration and practical guidance for moving forward with your life, learn more about Renee’s award-winning book, Peace After Divorce.
Available as an eBook or paperback book.
Peace After Divorce has been recognized as an Exemplary Christian Book by the 2013 Illumination Book Awards.
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