My Marriage Can’t be Over!
I saw this quote in the newspaper. It seems relevant.
The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it emotionally.”
Flannery O’Conner, American author
It is so hard to accept when your spouse vacates your marriage. It is hard to accept when he has moved on to another woman. It is hard to accept that the mother of your children no longer loves you. And the stories go on.
We cry. We pray. God hears. God moves.
Sometimes our mates renew their commitment to us.
Sometimes our mates continue to turn their backs, move on, and ignore God.
The truth makes us sick to our stomachs for a while. But acceptance is the first step toward healing. And accepting the truth will set you free.
So, do what you can to save your marriage.* Pray, seek professional help, and get any other guidance that you think will help. Christians all know marriage was designed by God to last.
We also know Moses allowed divorce because human hearts were hard.
If divorce becomes your reality it can be hard for many to let go and move on. But, let go you must. Staying stuck in the past blocks your ability to see the hope and future God has for you.
Acceptance is the beginning of healing.
*NOTE: If you are in an abusive marriage get help with how to remove yourself from danger. If you are in the US you may call the Domestic Violence Hotline for confidential assistance. If you are not in the US, seek whatever assistance available in your location.
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
Christian Encouragement:
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28 NIV
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